So, a few quick notes before I return to illustrating "The Great Top-Secret Kids Picture Book" (no, that is not the real title; I am, indeed, sworn to secrecy).
Anyway, first up is a photo of me with Mrs. Catharine Lotze, art teacher at Canfield High School (Canfield, Ohio, 1972).

And, lastly, here I am in a photo taken by Mark on our honeymoon, 2007. See, I am still painting!
Stay tuned while I look for "photo of freshman KSU art student with really big glasses!"
Update: 10/4/2010: Here is the photo. Engleman Hall, Kent State University, 1974--freshman year. The second floor of this, the oldest dormitory at KSU, was set up as an "art floor" -- and co-ed (very progressive at the time). The first floor house "The Center for Peaceful Change." The rooms were very small, I wonder if they still hold 2 students each!

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